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Educational KIT <<Cars and Transport>>

For children from 3 years old, includes:

  • 05 plasticized sheets A4 size with;

  • 02 boxes of modeling clay with 12 colors each;

  • Frame: option WITH or WITHOUT frame
    01 frame in white wood, size 20 x 30 cm to frame the final result.



Cars and Transport Kit / Pointillism Coloring

PriceFrom R$117.00
  • Activities on sheets 1 to 5 to fill the objects with various techniques and a certain color.

    • Sheet 1: Main transport: bus, train, plane, ship.

    • Sheet 2: Heavy machinery: crane, concrete mixer truck, dump truck and tractor.

    • Sheet 3: Cars: McLaren Ayrton Senna, jeep, sports car and motorcycle.

    • Sheet 4: Security: police car, ambulance, fire truck and helicopter.

    • Sheet 5: Final drawing: Cars of the future and robots.

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