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KIT <<Rainbow>> 

For children 2.5 a 8 years, includes:

  • 05 drawings on laminated sheets (Activities 1 to 5) A4 size;

  • 02 boxes of modeling clay with 12 colors each;

  • Frame: option WITH or WITHOUT frame
    01 white wooden frame, size 20 x 30 cm to frame the final result. 



RAINBOW Kit / Pointillism Coloring

SKU: 366615376135191
PriceFrom R$117.00
  • Activities on sheets 1 to 5 to fill the objects with various techniques and a certain color.

    • Sheet 1: chick, dolphin, crab and frog.

    • Leaf 2: butterfly, toucan, lion tamarin and ladybird.

    • Flaw 3: Turtles, stingray, cheetah and giraffe.

    • Sheet 4: zebra, hedgehog, bee and drizzle.

    • Sheet 5: final rainbow drawing with two toucans. 

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