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What awaits you on the course?

5 Aulas  divertidas e educativas!

Who is this course for?

Destinado a crianças a partir de 5 anos e adultos que buscam:

👦👧 Desenvolver a criatividade, imaginação e aprimorar a motricidade fina, foco e atenção.

🖌️ Para mães, pais e avós que desejam aprender a esculpir e pintar em plastilina junto com seus pequenos.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Que tal explorar a Arteterapia com suas crianças? Crie uma atmosfera artística e alcance resultados incríveis juntos!

🤝 A interação em família traz benefícios como cooperação, alívio do estresse e momentos inesquecíveis! As obras feitas em conjunto podem alegrar e personalizar o ambiente de sua casa.

👩‍🏫 Além disso, é ideal para professores de escolas e centros de desenvolvimento infantil, bem como para recreadores que organizam festas de aniversário. Oferece oportunidades de aprendizado criativo, atividades lúdicas e enriquecedoras para as crianças!

📱 E para aqueles preocupados com o tempo e visão gastos em telas, oferece uma atividade usando tela com benefício! Aprender de forma interativa e prazerosa, desconectando-se do digital para se conectar com o aprendizado significativo e sensorial.


course objectives

  • Learning to paint and sculpt with play dough

  • Develops fine motor function - assists the child in speech development

  • Improves motor coordination 

  • Stimulates imagination and creative thinking 

  • Contributes to increased concentration and attention 

  • Helps understand colors, shapes and sizes 

  • enrich experience sensorial 

  • calm down

  • Art therapy between parents and children allowing aconnection largest among them

  • Use of "gadgets" with benefit  

  • It favors learning in a playful and peaceful way of important facts presented in class.

As you can see, children have to get to know plasticine as early as possible and develop activities with clay in their daily lives at home. 


Description do course

  • 5 video lessons of 35-50 minutes each;

  • For children from 5 years and adults:

  • Simple and effective carving techniques, useful tips;

  • Educational and amazing facts for kids;

  • Surprise video “Educational design” for each class;

  • You can watch from any gadget, computer, smartTV screen at a convenient time for you;

  • All lessons are recorded in high quality 1080HD and at a comfortable angle

  • Access for 365 days;

  • Teacher feedback on Instagram#lotus gallery


About me

Hi! I am Lotusnata.

I was born in Ukraine, but my native language is Russian. I am German by nationality and I have lived in Brazil for 8 years.

I'm a mother of three boys who love playing Lego, collecting puzzles, riding bikes, but most of all they love playing with play dough.

I am a mother who is trying in every way to be creative. I want my children to grow up creative, positive, and able toto see e create all that is beautiful, loving animals and taking care of our planet.

I am interested in the early development of children and understand the importance of the first 7 years for the formation of basic personality traits.

I think it's important to provide opportunities for children not to crecam  prés  to the artificial world that bring them physiological and psychological consequences. The use of gadgets and TV must be very well managed in our children's lives. This is the importance of them offer other possibilities ofentertainment. 

That's how after thinking for a long time I discovered the benefits of playing and painting with clay...


course materials

  • Thick watercolor A4 paper;

  • Modeling clay (I recommend the wax-based Koala brand);

  • A simple pencil;

  • Rubber;

  • Spatula for play dough (plastiline knife);

  • Scotch tape;

  • toothpicks;

  • A rolling pin;


surprise of the course
educational drawings

We create an artistic and educational course at the same time
raising current issues of our modern world such as "taking care of nature, respecting others and thinking about the good of our planet Earth”. 
To learneasily we created five 3-minute drawings for each class theme, where two Tucano friends (made of plasticine) will tell surprising facts to the children.

There is a lot of inspiration and positivity in each class with lots of new and informative stuff.


Publish your work with#lotus gallery


I believe that every child is an artist.
And the task of parents is to awaken the creative potential of their children.


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